Sometimes, I wish a taxi could take me to Madagascar. Then I remember the risk of catching who-knows-what diseases from mysterious insects and scrap the idea. Then I remember there are no taxis that would take me to Madagascar anyway. Which is a shame. Quick vaccine, hop in, enjoy the ride, hop out. Simple. Then you’re free to explore the island.

…Wait, what did I even want to do there? 

Whatever. Sometimes the destination matters more than the journey — everyone knows that. Except when you’re late for work. Though late is better than jobless. Probably.

It’s debatable.

A short 5.5~ word stream of consciousness story with three endings. Or more. You might drop it on the first page. Would that count as an ending...?

Testo originale in italiano, tradotto in inglese da me e con aiuto (moderato e sempre personalmente ricontrollato) di Cgbto4. Un grazie speciale ai miei revisori.

Updated 5 days ago
Published 10 days ago
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsMultiple Endings, Short, Twine

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